Lecturer experience

1995– 2014 Lecturer in Sculpture, National College of Art and Design where she introduced the first course in video and installation art.

Cummins has been a visiting lecturer at University College Dublin, the Dublin Institute of Technology, Alberta College of Art at Calgary, Belfast College of Art, Limerick College of Art, Liverpool John Moore University, Pace College of Art, NY. Hunter College, NY.


2002 MA The History and Development of Multimedia in Ireland.

Selected Exhibitions and Performances

2023 Uprooting Tallaght co-curated with artist Lauren Kelly. Ten commissioned performances for Rua Red that responded to Tallaght past and present.

2023 Uprooting Tallaght, Roadside Memorials, For Jay, Public Site -Specific performance across Tallaght, Dublin.

2022 to 2023 Walking in the Way a touring exhibition documenting collaborative performances with Frances Mezzetti, South Tipperary Arts Centre, Clonmel, The Lab Gallery, Dublin and The Wexford Arts Centre, Wexford.

2022 Soul Noir Festival, What is Life? Performance, with award winning cellist Ailbhe McDonagh, Daniel O’ Connell Rooms, Irish Georgian Societies City Assembly House, Dublin.

2022 The Narrow Gate of the Here and Now, Sounding the Depths a collaborative installation by Pauline Cummins and Louise Walsh. IMMA, Dublin.

2022 Matriarch, performance Bare Bones, Kilkenny Castle, Kilkenny Arts Festival, Kilkenny.

2021 The Narrow Gate of the Here and Now, Sounding the Depths a collaborative installation by Pauline Cummins and Louise Walsh. IMMA, Dublin.

2020 39th EVA; International Biennial, archival installation of the Women Artists Action Group (Archive of Pauline Cummins), The Sailor’s Home, Limerick.

2019–2020 Elliptical Affinities: Irish Women Artists and the Politics of the Body, Inis tO’rr/ Aran Dance, Highlanes Gallery, Drogheda, Limerick City Gallery of Art, Limerick

2019 Gaze: IMMA Collection, Inis tO’rr/ Aran Dance, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin,

2017 Soul Noir Festival, When fragility can emerge victorious, an installation of drawings,

referencing the Mancester bombing. 13 North Great Georges St, Dublin

2016 Future Histories 2016/1916, No Bones About It…. Kilmainham Gaol, Dublin

2015 Excuse Me I’m not Finished, The Performance Collective, NCAD Gallery, Dublin

2015 Belfast International Performance Festival, Remembrance with Sinéad Keogh, the University of Ulster, Belfast.

2014 These Immovable walls – Performing Power, The Spy at the Gate, Dublin Castle, Dublin.

2013 It has no name, Remembrance with Sinéad Keogh, Broadcast Gallery, DIT, Dublin.

2012 M:S:T Festival, Between One and Another video works by Pauline Cummins and Sandra Vida, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Shown with additional performance at The Irish Cultural Centre, Paris, France.

2012 M:S:T Festival of Performance Art, Leopard Frog, eco performance. Calgary College of Art, Alberta, Canada.

2012 Subject to Ongoing Change with The Performance Collective, Galway Arts Centre, Galway.

2010 Right Here Right Now, Weeping Willow, Stinging Birch Kilmainham Gaol, Dublin.

2010 Unbuilding, The Still Centre, 3 screen installation. Mermaid Arts Centre, Bray, Co. Wicklow.

2010 Chaos, Performance, Sound the Alarm 4, Openspace Gallery, Victoria. BC, Canada.

2010 Sound the Alarm 3, Mon Ton Gallery, Queen St. Toronto, Canada.

2009 Sound the Alarm 2 The Performance Collective, Catalyst Art Centre, Belfast.

2008 Out of Site Promenade, performance, Head Above Water, Haddon Road, Dublin.

2007 Terms & Conditions curated with Aideen Barry, The Mermaid Art Centre, Bray, Co. Wicklow. Commissioned live performances and Video performances to Camera.

2007 The Selskab Exhibition, Unearthed video, Jutland, Denmark.

2007 The Haag Sculpture Show The Bureau of Everyday Adventures, The Energetic Humorists (Jokes Around the World), The Haag, Netherlands.

2007 Portraits of Pain, video and digital prints. Film Base, Dublin.

2005 Comharsana Beál Dorais – Irish Art from the collection of the IMMA, The Rooms – The Museum of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada and IMMA, Dublin.

2004 Locus Suspectus: where the hidden comes to light an exhibition of Canadian and Irish video art curated by Pauline Cummins and Sandra Vida, Ormeau Baths Gallery – Belfast; Truck Contemporary Art Gallery, Calgary and Paved + Saskatoon, Canada.

2002 The Unblinking Eye, IMMA, Dublin. Installation, Inis tOirr

2000– 01 The Appearances Project with Sandra Johnston and Frances Mezzetti. The Botanical Gardens, Dublin; The Harbour Masters Office, Cork, Newtownards Road, Belfast and with Breeda Mooney and Fergus Byrne, the medieval ruins of St. Saviour’s, Glendalough, Wicklow. Arthouse, Dublin, Re Appearances

2000 Power Points (Solo exhibition), 3 video installations, Tinahely Courthouse Centre, Co. Wicklow.

2000 Shifting Ground Selected works of Irish Art 1950-2000, IMMA, Dublin. Inis tOirr

1999 The Challenge of Power – celebrating 25 years of Adapt, Entrenched,video and photographic installation, Limerick City Gallery, Limerick.

1999 4 Fold – 4 Contemporary Irish Artists, Tallaght Arts Centre, Dublin.

Going Dutch with Krijnie Beyen and Breeda Mooney, Town Hall, Dun Laoghaire and Einhausen, the Netherlands.

1999 Intermedia 99, None of it Matters, commissioned performance and video work, Triskel Cinema, Cork

1999 Violent Incident – Critical Forum Conference, Tate Liverpool, UK.

1997 Re/Dressing Cathleen: Contemporary Works from Irish Women Artists, Sounding the Depths, a collaborative installation with Louise Walsh, McMullen Museum of Art, Boston College. U.S.A.

1997 Good Confession, Academy Without Walls, RHA Gallagher Gallery, Dublin and Inner Art: Public Art Installations, Firestation Artists Studios, in a confession box, Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Sean McDermot St. Dublin.

1997 Irish Geographies: 6 Contemporary Artists, Inis t’Oirr, Djanogly Art Gallery, The University of Nottingham, England.

1995 Becoming Beloved video commissioned by The National Maternity Hospital, Dublin

1995 Sounding the Depths II a collaborative installation by Pauline Cummins and Louise Walsh, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin.

1994 Irish Days, Two, Street installation, Flowering potato plants. The Baltic Art Gallery, Ustka, Poland.

1993 Life Cycles, collaborative exhibition and circular sculpture with embedded video screens, Design Council Gallery, Dublin.

1991– 92 Sounding the Depths, a collaborative installation by Pauline Cummins and Louise Walsh ; In Control; Woman-Interface-Machine, Kunstler-haus, Graz, Austria; Elective Affinities: 2 Room Installation, Tate Liverpool, England; Street Level, Photographic Gallery, Glasgow, Scotland; Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, (catalogue essay by Moira Roth).

1991 In A State, Sculpture, Cocoon, Kilmainham Gaol, Dublin.

1991 Inheritance and Transformation, inaugural exhibition of the Irish Museum of Modern Art, Unearthed ; Performance and video installation, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin.

1991 The Fifth Province touring exhibition, Installation of Inis tOirr and a performance with slide images, Unearthed, Alberta, Quebec, and Montreal, Canada.

1991 Available Resources, Group show, and conference, Orchard Gallery, Derry.

1991 Inch x Inch, Performance to camera, made on Inch Island in Donegal, shown during the above conference.

1990 A New Tradition; Irish Art in the Eighties, Inis tOirr, Douglas Hyde Gallery, Dublin.

1990 One person Show, Inis Oirr/Aran Dance and Unearthed, Ladengalerie, Munich, Germany, and Roskilde, Denmark.

Residencies, Commissions and Awards

Pauline Cummins has received bursaries from the Arts Council of Ireland, the Arts Council of England, Culture Ireland, The Sir Mark Turner Memorial Scholarship Award, Canada. Residencies with,The Irish Museum of Modern Art, Le Centre Culturel Irlandais, Paris; Banff Centre, Alberta, Canada; Durassi Art Residency, California, USA.

Residencies, Commissions and Awards 

2017 Research Residency at Centre Culturel Irlandais, Paris- towards a performance for the roman  forum, on Rue Monge in Paris, France.

2010 Culture Ireland award for performance in Victoria, B.C, Canada 

2007 Special Project Award from the Arts Council for the Terms & Conditions exhibition. 

2007 Commissioned by The Bureau of Everyday Adventures, The Haag, Netherlands 

2006 The School Show revisited: Multimedia project with art teachers and pupils Co. Mayo, Arts  Council of Ireland.

2005 Research grant, Arts Council of Ireland. 

2002 Research grant, Arts Council of Ireland. 

2000 Major Projects Award, Arts Council of Ireland 

1999 Artist’s Residency, Djerassi Art Centre, California,USA.

1998 An Artists in Schools Commission, Wicklow County Council. 

1997 Their Spirit Lives On, photographic Image, Public Art Commission for Newgrange,  Interpretative Centre, Co. Meath (Office of Public Works, Ireland).

1996 Public Art Commission, collaborative installation with the community, New St. Park, Dublin. 

1995 Becoming Beloved, Video installation and commission, The National Maternity Hospital,  Dublin. 

1994 Major Bursary Award, Arts Council Of Ireland.

1992 Residency, Banff Centre, Alberta, Canada.

1992 The Sir Mark Turner Memorial Scholarship. Award, Durassi, USA.

1991 Major Bursary Award, Arts Council Of Ireland.

1990 Arts Council Film and Video Award.

1986 The George Campbell Painting Award.


2020 Mad Bad & Dangerous : A celebration of “ difficult” women, directed by Emma O ´Grady.

1987 I Live Here – Pauline Cummins, RTÉ production, directed by Anne Mc Cabe.


2025, Pauline Cummins | Feminist Approaches to Art and Activism, Wikimedia Community Ireland’s Podcast, Ireland, Online.

2022 Irish Art 1920 – 2020 Catherine Marshall and Yvonne Scott, editors, Royal Irish Academy.

2022 The Narrow Gate of rhe Here and Now. IMMA 30 years of the global contemporary.

2022 Walking in the Way: Performing Masculinity, Pauline Cummins and Frances Mezzetti, edited by Catherine Marshall, WAAG Publication.

2016 MODERN IRELAND IN 100 ARTWORKS 1916 – 2016, edited by Fintan O’Toole, Catherine Marshall and Dr. Eibhear Walshe, (1984) Celebration the beginning  of Labour, Irish Times Publication.

2015 PERFORMANCE ART IN IRELAND-A History, edited by Aine Phillips, published by Live  Art Development Agency and Intellect Books.

2014 ART AND ARCHITECTURE IN IRELAND, Yale University Press and Royal Irish Academy.

2014 5 Vols. Vol. 5: Twentieth Century Art and Artists, edited by Catherine Marshall and Peter Murray, Crawford Gallery Cork and the Irish Museum of Modern Art. 

2013 ART IN IRELAND SINCE 1910, edited by Fionna Barber, published by Reaktion Books.

2009 The Performance Collective, Circa Art Magazine, Slavka Sverakova, Spring 2009. 

2006 And the One Doesn’t Stir without the Other, edited by Ursula Burke and Ruth Jones, Ormeau Baths Gallery, Belfast, Northern Ireland. 

2005 Dialogues: Women Artists from Ireland, edited by Katy Deepwell, I.B. Taurus, New York and  London. 

2005 Locus Suspectus: where the hidden comes to light, by Kay Burns, Artichoke, vol.17 no.1  (Spring) p.32-35, Canada. 

2003 Of Writing, Performance, and Photography: The Cyber Theater of Mneme and  Muse Camerawork vol.30, no.1, by Moira Roth, ( Spring/Summer) p.28-31, USA.

2003 I’ll spin you a yarn, I’ll weave you a tale: Subverting Patriarchy through  art and women’s work, by Catherine Marshall, Irish Journal of Feminist Studies. Spring 2003. 

2000 Unearthed, performance script, by Pauline Cummins, n.paradoxa, vol. 5, p.71-73.

1998 Tallaght Arts Centre, Art Bulletin (Ireland) no. 83 Vol 15 (Oct-Nov) p.18-19.

1998 The Live Medium Art Bulletin (Ireland) Aoife Desmond, No. 81 Vol.15 (June-July) p.3-7.

1997 Opium of the Masses (Inner Art) Circa No. 82 (Winter), Gemma Tipton, p.30-34.

1997 Broad & Narrow, (Inner Art), Medb Ruane, Sunday Times (14 Sept). 

1997 Temple Bar, Success or Circus, Art Bulletin (Ireland) no. 76 Vol.14 (Aug-Sept) p.14-18.

1995 Installations at National Maternity Hospital, Medb Ruane, Sunday Times (8 January).

1995 Report From Ireland-Art from the Edge (Part 1), Judith Higgins, Art in America (New York)  Dec.1995. p.37-40.

1995 Irish / Women / Artwork, Hilary Robinson,Feminist Review, no. 5.

1994 Women and Technology feature Ruimte Art Magazine, Amsterdam.

1994 Irish Days, A. Maclennan, A. Tallentire, Sandra Johnston, B. Connolly, Circa No. 70  (Winter) p.53-57. 

1994 Containment or Integration?, Jackie Ryan, Art in Context, Circa No. 70 (Winter) p.50-52.  1993-94.

1994 Elective Affinities, Caroline Juler, London, (Winter).

1993 In the Grip of Adult Limbs, Elective Affinities, A. Greenan, Women’s Art Magazine, London, (Nov/Dec) p.19-20.

1992 Shells and Mouths at IMMA, S. Thompson,The Sunday Press (Dublin) 26 April.

1992 Sounding the Depths, Mick Moroney, Irish Times 10 April.

1992 Nudes with Feminist  Kick, Aidan Dunne, The Sunday Tribune, 5 April,1992.

1992 Reclaiming the Female Body, Irish Times 3 March, 1992.

1992 Sounding the Depths, Jaki Irvine,Circa, no. 62, 1992

1992 Womb with a View, Neil McCafferty, Hot Press, 7 April.

1990 Sexuality and Gender in A New Tradition, Joan Fowler, Irish Art of the Eighties Dublin:  Douglas Hyde Gallery.

1990 Art review. Malve Gradinger, Munchner Merkur (Germany) 12 March.

1990 Inis t’ Oirr – New Observations, no. 80, edited by Dorothy Cross,NY

1989-90 Bronze by Gold, the work of Irish Women Sculptors, Dorothy Walker, Irish Arts Review  Yearbook (Dublin) vol 6 pp.207-13.


2024, Feminist Art Making Histories (IRC/AHRC) & IMMA Ireland, Feminism, Art – A Gathering, IMMA, Dublin.

2019 Sculpture In Process, Conference, Sculpture as a Factor in the Transformation of Place and  Space. Poznan, Poland. 

2013 Guest speaker, Re-Imagining Birth, School of Art History and Cultural Policy, UCD, Dublin. 

2012 Keynote speaker, Sweeping Changes, forum on feminist artists action in Canada, Ireland and  France. Centre Culturel Irlandais, Paris, France. 

2010 Landscape as the locus for artistic transfers between Ireland, Northern Ireland and Great  Britain from 1968 to the present day. Centre Culturel Irlandais, Paris, France. 

2001 The Appearances Project: Installations and Seminar, Re- Appearances, Arthouse, Dublin,  Ireland. Collaboration with Sandra Johnston and Frances Mezzetti on site-specific performances  Temperate, Fathom, Broad Daylight, and Holy Ground. 

2001 Get the Balance, forum with Marina Abramovic, National Sculpture Factory, Cork 

1999 Violent Incident – Critical Forum Conference, with Marina Abramovic, None of it Matters  performance, The Tate Liverpool, UK.